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Playin' in the dirt again
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Not satisfied with earthworms and garbage barge whales, I had to turn around and create some fakemon that are literally made of crap, because I'm classy like that. Also, kiwis! "The bird or the fruit?" you ask. To which I say, "Why not both?" (...Kind of.)
Read more...Back into the swing of things, little by little
Friday, 8 May 2015
Ah, the 2 AM update. How I've missed you. Not really—actually it's the sleeping that I miss—but hey, new Pokémon!
Read more...Welcome to the new Phoenixdex!
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
I've celebrated the Phoenixdex's birthday, usually with new content of some sort, almost every year. Well, for some value of "celebrate", anyway, a value that was actually impressive maybe one time. More often than not, the Phoenixdex's annual birthday update is late, underwhelming, or, most likely, both.
As you might have gathered from the starkly different surroundings framing this news post: Not this year.