We're getting awfully close to winter, after all...
NOTE: The line originally introduced in this post has been replaced. See Skelozen, Revenice and Draugaron for the updated fakemon!
I'm technically not done with NaNoWriMo (although I did hit 50,000 words last week!), but I said I wanted these guys up before the end of the month and so they're up before the end of the month. These friendly little guys live in Faelan rather than Accolanto, gasp shock horror etc.. Once I've got a little more time and energy to get back to work on the regions themselves, I'll be able to talk a little more about the icy tundra they inhabit, and just how complicated that place can get. ;)
Next stop: more words, a little TLC for my poor, neglected main site, and hopefully at least a few more fakemon before 2015 is out!