Noise Blast


Base PowerPower PointsAccuracy
Effect ChancePriorityTarget
—%0Single non-user

Flavor Text

The user emits a sudden, sharp blast of crackling signal noise that is painful to the ears. It makes the target flinch and deafens it.

Move Description

The user emits a burst of harsh white noise so loud that it startles the target and temporarily ruins its hearing.


Causes the target to flinch.

Target is deafened until the end of the following turn. Deafened Pokémon are immune to moves with the Sound-based flag, just as though they had Cacophony or Soundproof.

Pokémon that learn Noise Blast by level (1)

Phoenixdex Pokémon (1)

Pokémon that learn Noise Blast via move relearner (2)

Phoenixdex Pokémon (2)

Pokémon that learn Noise Blast as an egg move (1)

Phoenixdex Pokémon (1)