
Enjoy a few sneak previews of some of the stuff I'm working on!

Finished Images

Before the official release of Accolanto, this image and a little teaser snippet implying that the depicted Pokémon were starters sat at the bottom of this page. When the region's pokédex opened its doors to the public, the first two were revealed as Accolanto's respective Grass- and Fire-type starters, Adargana and Cindigre. The third, however, was nowhere to be found; if you look at the Accolanto-Calivera Pokédex now, you'll see the Water-type starter is Swimmole. Hm.

rawr imma dinosaur

So what exactly is this mysterious little creature, and where do you get it, if not in Accolanto somewhere? (Or is it in Accolanto? Maybe it's not even a starter at all?)


What's this thing? It's pretty big, and looks sort of... metallic?

(The image is quite old, and if this creature does end up in a more modern project it will likely be redesigned entirely. But hm...)

Mandeglare Mismagius?

I'm not terribly satisfied with Galaraud and Galoryph these days. I wanted to try a different, more direct "hand of glory" design for Galorindle's evolved form, and Mandeglare here is the most likely candidate. I'm not yet sure whether the line will remain split or whether Mandeglare will be Galorindle's sole evolution; that decision will probably come along with the revamp of New Logora's pokédex (and a fair few other aspects) that I hope to get to in the future. In the meantime, be careful around this glowing ghost—it's said that if its eerie light is cast upon you, you'll fall into an impossibly deep sleep...

I also designed a regional Mismagius some time ago, based on legends of ghost women/mourners like the Little Washerwoman or La Llorona. It'll probably end up replacing the standard Mismagius in New Logora whenever I get around to the aforementioned revamp.


Vulkhet Nekhetura

Regional Farfetch'd Rapscalion

Some planned revamps for Mandicore, Vulkhet, and Nekhetura, as well as a likely regional variant for Farfetch'd and a new Rapscalion to match! I'll add these guys properly once some more general project retooling has been sorted out.

WIP Images

None currently; check back later...


Ancient Tanoby artwork in New Logora depicts several of the legendary Pokémon that used to bless the region, such as this one:

a sense of power seems to emanate from it

This was supposedly Kolnoq, a fiery beast that brought heat to the land and great ambition to its people. Whatever it really did, it's long gone now, but more information about it might be revealed as the Revivalists continue their work...