I can stop any time I want to, I swear
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
These are the last few Electric and/or bird updates for a while. I promise! Probably! I don't have a problem, you have a problem!
In all seriousness, I've been meaning to get Decibass and Trecibel done for a looong while; I'm just getting them out of the way now so I can focus on other things that are totally not birds or Electric-types for real this time.
...and really, some of those aren't even new! I've mentioned before that I've given myself some additional rules to follow while filling in the Accolanto-Calivera pokédex, and I've also mentioned that those rules have made it necessary to reshuffle some things in order to accommodate what I want to do. The specific details will probably just bore you, but long story short I ended up extending the Stickibat and Lectarek lines into three stagers, and completely redesigned the latter to boot (I wasn't really happy with its original design).
The last three are a little different. Tunnowl, Gryphault and Seismogryph were actually created for a contest on the Omnis Region Tumblr, a nifty community-made region that's nearing the completion of its pokédex. Designs submitted for Omnis are still free for the creator to use on their own, and after knocking these guys together I decided they looked too cool not to do something with. Unfortunately, I don't know what that something is just yet. New Logora has the Spraylet line and is ostensibly finished; Faelan has Harmontu and several other upcoming things that would conflict with these; Accolanto and Calivera have the conceptually-different-but-similarly-colored Falcavi and Falcaero, and anyway due to the aforementioned "additional rules" a three-stage Ground line with these types just straight-up will not fit anywhere in there. As such, for the time being Tunnowl and its big sibs will be joining Currarog on the Extra Fakemon page. I'll come up with a permanent home (and more polished artwork that better matches the rest of my fakes) for them at some point!
Oh, and before I forget, I've also got two new abilities up, Reverberate and Crescendo.
The next small batch of fakemon is actually already done, but I didn't post them along with these guys because I feel they're best saved for a slightly more... appropriate occasion. Soon, though, definitely very soon... in fact, why don't you check back on Saturday? ;)